Silvan Devlet Hastanesi, KBB Kliniği, Diyarbakır, Türkiye Objectıves: Hearing loss is one of the most common congenital anomalies in humans. Auditory stimulation in the first year of life is necessary for language development and cognitive functions so that early amplification and early diagnosis is very important. Just screening of high risk group, only half of hearing loss patients can detect so that newborn hearing screening is important. Otoacoustic emission measurement is currently most common used method in world. In this study, we published the results of newborn hearing screnning between March 2010 and November 2011.Materials and Methods: Newborns were screened in 1 to 3 days after birth by the method of transient otoacoustics emission screening. To measure the otoacoustic emission, Otoport Lite OAE system (Otodynamics Ltd, UK) was used. The pass crieteria was take the response in 3 measures of 4 bands response between 1-4 kHz. Infants who fail to pass the test called again after 14 days and were examined for debris, cerumen in external auditory canal or middle ear inflammation, effusion. The infants with risk factors were referred to tertiary heath center regardless of test results.
Results: 1861 infants were screnned between march 2010 and novermber 2011. The infants at risk of hearing loss were referred to tertiary health center. 351 (%18.9) of 1861 infants did not pass the first test. Five (% 0.3) infants who fail to pass the first test were referred to tertiary health center after second test.
Conclusion: We recommend, using newborn hearing screening to all individuals for early diagnosis. İnfants who have risk factors for hearing loss should be seperated from normal individuals and advanced audilogical investigations needed.
Keywords : Hearing screening, newborn, otoacoustic emission