1Lokman Hekim Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi, KBB, Ankara, Turkey Objective: Rhinosinusitis (RS) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are common diseases in the community. The pathophysiological mechanism of RS is raported to begin with mild edema leading to obstruction in the draining sinus ostium. The initial obstruction in the sinus ostium of GERD is thought to be one of many possible triggers. In study, we aimed to investigate the relation between RS and GERD.Material and Methods: In study, 68 patients (38 females, 29 males) between the ages of 24-53 who were diagnosed with GERD by the Gastroenterology department and 35 healthy adults (19 females, 16 males) between the ages of 28-49 were included. The relation between RS and GERD was investigated by evaluating the Ear nose throat (ENT) symptoms and computerized sinus tomography (CT) results of patients diagnosed with GERD.
Results: In this study, the most common ENT symptom in GERD was throat discomfort (83%), followed by coughing (71%). Postnasal discharge (52%), nasal congestion (32%), and facial pain (19%), which are the 3 main symptoms of RS, were found to be common in these patients. While RS findings were detected on CT in 76% of 67 patients with GERD, this rate was found as 17% in the 35 healthy adults . According to CT results, the relation between GERD and RS was statistically significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Although a close relation was found between RS and GERD as a result of in this study, a scientifically valid relation remains unclear. Further studies are needed to reinforce and support this relation.
Keywords : Rhinosinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, etiology, adults