KBB-Forum 2005 , Cilt 4, Sayı 3


Dr. Levent OLGUN, Dr. Gürol GÜLTEKİN, Dr. Tolga KANDOĞAN, Dr. Uğur ÇERÇİ, Dr. Sezaver ALPER, Dr. Güldeniz GÜLER
İzmir Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi, KBB, İzmir, Türkiye Otosclerotic involvement frequently occurs in front ofthe oval window and around the border of the round window. In oval window otosclerosis insertion of a prothesis between the long process of incus (a.k.a. lenticuler process) and the fenestra created in the footplate through stapedotomy (a.k.a. stapedectomy) is the classical treatment method of choice. However the otosclerotic involvement of the malleus head or the inability to use the incus for insertion of the prothesis will prevent the application of this. For such instances, ıncus-bypass prothesis is developed. In this study, 17 cases where malleus piston insertion was applied between the years 1990-2004 are analyzed retrospectively. Our analysis indicates that in all of the cases when the pre-operative and post-operative air-bone gaps were checked a satisfactory hearing gain was achieved. In conclusion, our results suggest that malleus prothesis is a good alternative to obtain a columellar effect for otosclerotic cases with either malleus fixation or when use of incus for prothesis insertion is not possible. Keywords : otosclerosis, malleus prothesis, incus by-pass prothesis