KBB-Forum 2002 , Cilt 1, Sayı 3


Dr. Çağatay Han ÜLKÜ1, Dr. Yavuz UYAR1, Dr. Hamdi ARBAĞ1, Dr. Osman ACAR2, Dr. Kayhan ÖZTÜRK1
1Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, KBB Anabilim Dalı, Konya, Türkiye
2Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı , Konya, Türkiye
Objectives: To evaluate our surgical approaches and results to fibrous dysplasia in the head and neck area.

Patients and Methods: Eight cases with head and neck fibrous dysplasia have been included in this study. In preoperative period the limits of the lesion has been determined with computed tomography. Cases have been operated with different techniques due to their origins. The postoperative morbidity, complications, recurrens and malignant transformation were evaluated.

Results: Three of the cases were female and five cases were male. The average age was 18.3. The tumor was originated from temporal bone (n=2), maxillar bone (n=2), frontal bone (n=2) and sphenoid bone (n=2). External auditory canal stenosis, conductive hearing loss, headache, facial deformity, nasal airway obstruction, maloclusion were among the symptoms and fronto-orbital approach, Le-Fort-I osteotomy, partial-inferior maxillectomy, modified radical mastoidectomy were our surgical techniques performed according to the tumor localization.

In one case which partial-inferior maxillectomy performed , oroantral fistula occured as a complication. It was reconstructed with mucosal cheek flap. In 64.8 months which was the average follow-up period recurrence or malignant transformation was not observe. Conclusion: Fibrous dysplasia is a developmental benign bone tumor. The surgical decision is made occourding to the functional or esthetic disorder it causes. Prognosis is usually good but malignant transformation can also be seen. Thus long-term follow-up is required. Keywords : Fibrous dysplasia, temporal bone, sphenoid bone, maxilla, frontal bone, head, neck, treatment